Borrowing Items
1. Welcome to Franklin County Library!
2. A Library card is free upon proper registration by providing an ID and proof of mailing
address. From ages four (4) to seventeen (17), children may obtain a card with a parent,
grandparent, or guardian present and above listed information.
3. Replacement Library cards are $2.00. Please notify the Library at once if your card is lost or
stolen. As with all credit/account cards, you are responsible for anything charged to the card.
4. To check out, please present your Library card. Fees in excess of $10.00 blocks borrowing
5. All materials, except DVDs, carry a two-week loan period. Renewals are contingent upon
reserve status. Items are renewable twice by telephone at 931.967.3706 or online at or Franklin County Library is Fine Free. Return materials
before closing on or before the due date.
6. Customers may check out four DVDs per account for seven days and renew once. Customers
eighteen (18) and older may check out DVDs. DVD renewal is contingent upon reserve
status. Return DVDs before closing on or before the due date.
7. Lost or damaged (beyond reasonable wear) items are made good to the satisfaction of the
Library Director. The fee is current replacement value.
8. Reserve materials in person, by telephone at 931.967.3706, or online at or Items are available through interlibrary loan also.
9. If the Library is closed, return item(s) in the dropbox. There is a designated slot for DVDs and
items with discs. Please do NOT put money in the dropbox. Return items before closing on
or before the due date.
10. Public Access Computers available on a first-come first-served basis for two hours. A parent
or guardian must accompany computer users below age twelve (12). Printing and copying in
black and white is 10¢ per one-sided page and color is 25¢. You are responsible for all items
you print. Limited computer assistance is available.
Revised October 2023
2. A Library card is free upon proper registration by providing an ID and proof of mailing
address. From ages four (4) to seventeen (17), children may obtain a card with a parent,
grandparent, or guardian present and above listed information.
3. Replacement Library cards are $2.00. Please notify the Library at once if your card is lost or
stolen. As with all credit/account cards, you are responsible for anything charged to the card.
4. To check out, please present your Library card. Fees in excess of $10.00 blocks borrowing
5. All materials, except DVDs, carry a two-week loan period. Renewals are contingent upon
reserve status. Items are renewable twice by telephone at 931.967.3706 or online at or Franklin County Library is Fine Free. Return materials
before closing on or before the due date.
6. Customers may check out four DVDs per account for seven days and renew once. Customers
eighteen (18) and older may check out DVDs. DVD renewal is contingent upon reserve
status. Return DVDs before closing on or before the due date.
7. Lost or damaged (beyond reasonable wear) items are made good to the satisfaction of the
Library Director. The fee is current replacement value.
8. Reserve materials in person, by telephone at 931.967.3706, or online at or Items are available through interlibrary loan also.
9. If the Library is closed, return item(s) in the dropbox. There is a designated slot for DVDs and
items with discs. Please do NOT put money in the dropbox. Return items before closing on
or before the due date.
10. Public Access Computers available on a first-come first-served basis for two hours. A parent
or guardian must accompany computer users below age twelve (12). Printing and copying in
black and white is 10¢ per one-sided page and color is 25¢. You are responsible for all items
you print. Limited computer assistance is available.
Revised October 2023